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EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014

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EEA Grants programme "NGO fund"

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Republic of Latvia on the one hand, and Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway on the other, and it states that a significant share of the funding during the implementation of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 shall be allocated to support the civil society in Latvia.

The Programme area ‘Funds for Non-governmental Organisations’ will be implemented as a programme titled „NGO Fund”, and it has been earmarked financing in the amount of over 10.3 million Euros from the total allocation of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism to Latvia (72.95 million Euros).

The objective of the Programme „NGO Fund” is to strengthen civil society development and to provide support to social justice, democracy and sustainable development.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of Latvia, the Society Integration Foundation is assigned to be the Programme Operator.

The target group of the Programme „NGO Fund” is non-governmental organisations, associations and foundations registered in the Republic of Latvia, which do not operate solely pursuing business or professional interests of their own or their members, but operate for the benefit of society at large, as well as are independent from public institutions, political parties or business organizations.

Programme Operator: Society Integration Foundation

Result-based methodology has been used to develop the Programme. To ensure achievement of the Programme objectives, there are three outcomes defined in the Programme proposal:

  • Active citizenship fostered;
  • Provision of welfare and basic services to defined target groups increased;
  • Democratic values, including human rights, promoted.

The Programme shall be implemented in two sub-programmes.

  1. NGO activity support measure

The sub-programme will receive 40% of the total Programme financing for the projects. The sub-programme shall support daily activities of NGOs in the following areas: democracy and participatory democracy; human rights, including minorities’ rights; good governance and transparency; combating racism, xenophobia and discrimination; environment and sustainable development; gender equality and gender-based violence.

  1. NGO project measure

The sub-programme will receive 60% of the total Programme financing for the projects. The sub-programme shall support NGO projects in the following thematic areas:

  • Social sector activities, including provision of welfare and basic services, local and regional NGO initiatives to reduce social inequalities and to promote social inclusion and gender-equality, including support to children and youth at risk;
  • Development of a cohesive society – intercultural dialogue and integration of national minorities, including strengthening of human rights and national identity, awareness-raising informative and educational activities on citizenship issues and language training promoting democratic participation, prevention of discrimination, promotion of tolerance and acquisition of citizenship.

The programme "NGO Fund" was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia on January 31, 2012 and is submitted for evaluation to the Financial Mechanism Office in Brussels.

On August 16, 2012 the donor countries (Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway) have approved the programme "NGO fund".

Society Integration Foundation launched first open calls for proposals on November 27, 2012.

Second open call for proposals was launched on September 27, 2013 in subprogramme "NGO Project Measure"

pdfEvaluation of the EEA Financial Mechanism programme "NGO fund" in 2009-2014 period

pdfAnnual Report 2015

pdfAnnual Report 2014

pdfAnnual report 2012/2013


Contact information at the Society Integration Foundation:

Alda Sebre
Head of Projects Department
phone: +371 67078204
e-mail: alda.sebre [at] sif.lv


More about EEA Grants programme "NGO fund" at SIF website here
EEA Grants website in Latvia: www.eeagrants.lv
EEA Grants official website: www.eeagrants.org

No. Status Title Program
1 (Call for Proposals has ended)3rd call for proposals "NGO Project Measure" (2009-2014) of micro project - NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
2 (Call for Proposals has ended)2nd call for proposals "NGO Project Measure" (2009-2014) - NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
3 (Call for Proposals has ended)1st call for proposals "NGO Activity Support Measure" (2009-2014) - NGO Activity Support Measure (2009-2014)
4 (Call for Proposals has ended)1st call for proposals "NGO Project Measure" (2009-2014) - NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
Projects: 203 (Cancelled: 6)


No.Project PromoterProject's title
1.Biedrība "Aglonas izglītības veicināšanas biedrība"You are one of us
2.Biedrība "Brīnummāja"The parent and specialist collaboration project for children development and minimisation of social exclusion "My oportunity"
3.Biedrība "Ģimenes atbalsta centrs "Atvērtība""Being in the same boat requires rowinf together!
4.Biedrība "Kurzemes NVO atbalsta centrs"Understand the Country
5.Biedrība „Youth for City – City for Youth”Active Voluntary
6.Biedrība "Izglītība un atbalsts Latvijas ģimenēm" Support for single parent families - resources for parents, opportunities for children
7.Biedrība "Tradicionālās kultūras biedrība "MANTOJUMS""Knowledge and understanding: communication in family must become the basis for a secure future
8.Biedrība "Latvijas Ģimenes plānošanas un seksuālās veselības asociācija „Papardes zieds”"Reduction of Social Inequality and Spread of Infection among Women Sex Worker in Riga
9.Biedrība „Pulmonālās hipertensijas biedrība”Establishment of advocacy and educational tools for people with pulmonary arterial hypertension
10.Biedrība "Izglītības projekti" (IP)Improvement of the support system for Roma children and young people
11.Biedrība „Skalbes”Behaviour management and social skills training for children aged 4 - 8 with behaviour problems
12.Biedrība "Izglītības projekti" Step towards cildren and young people with special needs
13.Biedrība "Radi Vidi Pats" Other kitchen for your CV
14.Biedrība "Jelgavas pensionāru biedrība"Family Assistants in Jelgava city
15.Biedrība "Pāvulēni"Let's raise love!
16.Nodibinājums "Atbalsta centrs ģimenēm un bērniem ar īpašām vajadzībām "Cimdiņš"" People beside us
17.Biedrība "Ģimeņu atbalsta centrs "Puķuzirnis""Complexes of support measures to reduction of social exclusion for youth and families with children
18.Biedrība "Dzīvnieku pansija Ulubele""Shaping a Responsible, Informed Public Opinion in the Area of Animal Protection"
19.Nodibinājums "Latgales skolu atbalsta fonds „Veronika”"Strengthening Latgale NGO Participation Democracy in the Field of Education and Social Inclusion
20.Biedrība "Latvijas Ornitoloģijas biedrība"LOB: for birds and people from the districts of Latvia to the world
21.Biedrība "Latvijas Cilvēku ar īpašām vajadzībām sadarbības organizācija SUSTENTO"Active Involvement of the Organisations of People With Disabilities and Chronic Patient in Local and National Networks to Represent their Common Interests
22.Nodibinājums "Valmieras novada fonds"Volunteering – your step to success
23.Nodibinājums "Invalīdu un viņu draugu apvienība "APEIRONS""Universal Design for the Future
24.Biedrība "Latvijas Diabēta federācija"Development of Social Rehabilitation Services of Latvian Diabetes Federation
25.Biedrība "Mēs saviem bērniem"Provision of social services and development of the environment enhancing for children and teenagers with different functional disabilities in Madona region
26.Biedrība "ERFOLG"The integration of ethnic minorities in Latgale region: cooperation possibilities of NGO for the solution of problems
27.Biedrība "Bāreņu biedrība "Saules bērni""Integration of society with intercultural dialogue
28.Biedrība "GM Integration"Martial arts as physiotherapy
29.Nodibinājums "Fonds-Jūrmala cilvēkam"Innovative solutions for accessible – socially inclusive product of tourism development in Latvian municipalities
30.Biedrība "Resursu centrs cilvēkiem ar garīgiem traucējumiem "ZELDA""Pilot Project for Introduction of Supported Decission-Making in Latvia
31.Nodibinājums "Latgales Reģionālais atbalsta centrs „Rasas pērles”"Make together your dream true of a harmonious family
32.Nodibinājums "Allažu bērnu un ģimenes atbalsta centrs"Parenting skills assessment and training motivation program development and implementation
33.Nodibinājums "Latvijas Kopienu iniciatīvu fonds"UCAN do that 2!
34.Biedrība "Dzīvnieku pansija Ulubele""Responsible, educated, involved"
35.Nodibinājums "Fonds sabiedrībai"Integration of long-term patients into the job market by providing ICT skills acquisition
36.Biedrība "Izglītības attīstības centrs"Diversity as a resource for education and community development
37.Biedrība "JĒKABPILS NVO RESURSU CENTRS"Welcome to life!
38.Biedrība "Lauku partnerība Sēlija"Beyond the Skyline
39.Biedrība "Baltā māja"Experience and Knowledge of Association „Balta Maja” for the Integration of National Minorities into Latvia` s community
40.Biedrība "Latvijas Audžuģimeņu biedrība"Family care - secure base for development of children

The results of experience exchange seminar on bilateral cooperation


In December 2014 Society Integration Foundation in cooperation with Norwegian Embassy organised events to promote and develop bilateral cooperation within the EEA grant 2009 – 2014 „NGO Fund" in Latvia. The Latvian, Icelandic and Norwegian NGOs networking started on the 10 of December with reception hosted by the Norwegian Ambassador in his residence in Riga. On the 11 of December Society Integration Foundation organised the seminar „Bilateral cooperation within projects supported by EEA grant "NGO Fund" – impact and recommendations" within the framework of the NGO Fund programme in Latvia, part of the EEA grants 2009 – 2014. The goal of the seminar was to popularize bilateral cooperation within the projects and to find the benefits and innovative ways, how and why to cooperate.

What is the role of cooperation in nowadays? What are the opportunities of cooperation with Norway and Iceland? What are advantages and challenges of being a donor partner? These were just several questions which were discussed. Over 100 participants from NGO's from Norway, Iceland and Latvia, as well as different representatives from local and national institutions took a part in the seminar. Among the participants there were representatives of Norway Helsinki Committee (Norway) (www.nhc.no), Icelandic Human rights centre (Iceland) (www.humanrights.is), INTERACT Point Turku (Finland) (www.interact-eu.net), Blatt Afram -prevention of sexual abuse of children (Iceland) (www.blattafram.is), SOS Children's Villages in Norway (Norway) (http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org). Opening the seminar, Aija Bauere, Director of SIF secretariat, emphasized: "Within the current implementation period of EEA grant „NGO Fund" particular attention is paid to the promotion of cooperation between the beneficiary countries and the donor countries. It is important to recognize that the projects implemented in cooperation are real opportunities to better achieve the objectives of the projects, as well as gain new ideas for ourselves and exchange experience with others."

For more information about bilateral cooperation, please see the seminar programme, presentations and the gallery:

pdfSeminar Programme

  • Baiba Liepa, INTERACT Point Turku (Finland) - presentation
  • Birgit Jacobsen, Financial Mechanism Office (Brussels) - presentation
  • Lillian Solheim, Norway Helsinki Committee (Norway) - presentation
  • Jóna Adalheidur Palmadóttir, Icelandic Human rights centre (Iceland) - presentation
  • Linda Mežviete, Society Integration Foundation - presentation

Presentations of the projects with bilateral cooperation:

  • Eva Sāre Aizsilniece, Center Valdardze - presentation
  • Gaļina Sokolova, Society "Latvian Red Cross" Valka Comitee- presentation
  • Andra Greitāne, Society Rehabilitation center „Mes esam lidzas"- presentation
  • Irina Rulle, Society "Saule" - presentation
  • Daiga Zaķe, Center for Education Initiatives - presentation
  • Agnese Sladzevska, Establishment „Centre Dardedze"- presentation
  • Veronika Ļemeševska, Latvia Children's Fund- presentation
  • Gudrun Helga Bjarnadottir, Blatt Afram -prevention of sexual abuse of children (Icelande) - presentation

Advantages and challenges of being a project partner

  • Anna Katarzyna Wozniczka, W.O.M.E.N (Iceland) - presentation
  • Dzintra Džonsa, Fund Development & Communications (FDC), CO CEE/CIS/Baltics - presentation

Photo gallery



Seminar Programme


Invitation to participate in the seminar “Bilateral cooperation within projects supported by EEA grant “NGO Fund” – impact and recommendations”

In order to emphasize the role of cooperation in nowadays and to intruduce with EEA Grant „NGO Fund"partnership projects from Latvia, Iceland and Norway , Society Integration Foundation is orginising the experience exchange seminar „Bilateral cooperation within projects supported by EEA grant "NGO Fund" – impact and recommendations" on Thursday, 11 of December, in Riga, Latvia.

The seminar will be opened Norwegian Ambassador H.E. Steinar Egil Hagen, Society Integration Foundation Secretariat Director Aija Bauere, as well as representatives from Norway Helsinki Committee and Icelandic Human rights center. The guest lecturer will give an inspiring speech on the role of international cooperation in modern society. The FMO will provide an analysis of overall situation in bilateral cooperation within NGO Fund. The main focus of the afternoon session will be on experience exchange of the projects with bilateral cooperation, as well as partners from Iceland and Norway will highlight the advantages and challenges of being a donor partner. The seminar will provide the space for discussion – to find the synergy of bilateral cooperation. Programme.

Project implementers, potential project implementers, project evaluators, sector specialists, as well as other interested persons are welcome to register online till 5 December!

The seminar will be held in Latvian / English (translation will be provided).

In case of questions please contact Ilze Dumina, e-mail: [email protected]; T.67078187


The seminar is supported by EEA Grants, Republic of Latvia and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Latvia



On September 27, 2013 the Society Integration Foundation announced the second open call for proposals under "NGO Project Measure" of the EEA Grants 2009-2014 programme "NGO fund" in Latvia.

Taking into account the positive experience of the partnership building event among Latvian NGOs and NGOs of Donor countries (Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway) organized within the 1st call for proposals, the Society Integration Foundation plans to organize another partnership building event (partner search forum) on November 7-8, 2013.

In order to ensure participation of respective organizations from donor countries, the Society Integration Foundation kindly requests to fill in partner search template (PROJECT FICHE) and send it to the following e-mail address: partner.search[at]sif.lv no later than October 11, 2013. Completed templates will be made available on the website of the Society Integration Foundation and also forwarded to NGOs of the Donor countries.

Partnerships can be built in the following areas:

  1. New innovative basic and welfare services to target groups - people at risk of social exclusion and poverty;
  2. innovative social services and measures for children and youth at risk and families with children that potentially more often experience crisis situations;
  3. measures aimed at embodiment and integration of the gender equality principle in all areas of life;
  4. involvement of NGOs in activities facilitating accessibility to the rights of citizens (activities promoting acquisition of citizenship);
  5. involvement of NGOs in promoting democratic values, including human rights:
    • ethnic minorities;
    • intercultural communication, promotion of tolerance;
    • elimination of discrimination.


Latvian non-governmental organizations have the opportunity to search for project partners also at the homepage of the Norwegian non-governmental organizations at: http://www.ngonorway.org/


Contact information:

About projects:

  • Linda Mežviete, phone (+371) 67078208, e-mail: linda.mezviete [at] sif.lv


Looking for project partners

Democracy and participatory democracy / demokrātija, laba pārvaldība

-         Association of Latvian choir conductors EN

-         Vidzeme Culture and Art Association "Haritas"  EN

-         Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) EN

-         Bauskas Impulss EN

-         An organisation of people with disabilities and their friends "APEIRONS" EN

-         The Latvian Media professionals training centre (LMDMC) EN


Respecting human rights / cilvēktiesību ievērošana

-         Organisation “Solis Tuvāk” EN

-         Society “Latvian Association of Supervisors” EN

-         Latvian Spinal Cord Injury Society EN

-         An organisation of people with disabilities and their friends "APEIRONS" EN


Gender equality and reduction of gender-based violence / dzimumu līdztiesība

-         Creative psychology centre “For Family”/Ģimenei EN

-         Women Rights Institute EN

-         Organisation Talent City / Talantu pilsēta EN


Innovative social services / inovatīvi sociālie pakalpojumi

-         Society Safe place / biedrība „Drošā vieta” EN

-         Association „Dzīvesprieks” EN

-         Association for Latvian Children with Physical Disabilities EN

-         Riga Active Senior Association EN

-         Camphill village "ROŽKALNI” EN

-         Foundation "Talsi municipality crises centre" EN

-         Latvian Movement for Independent Living EN

-         Organization "Club "Verte"" EN

-         SOS Children's Villages Latvia EN

-         Foundation Zante Family Crises Centre  EN

-         Life Without Gluten EN


Social inclusion of children and youth to the risk of social exclusion / atbalsts sociālās atstumtības riskam pakļautajiem bērniem un jauniešiem

-         Latgale School Support Foundation „Veronica” EN

-         Association „NEXT” EN

-         Latgale regional support centre „Rasas pērles” EN

-         Foundation “Latvia Children’s Fund” EN

-         Centre Against abuse “Dardedze” EN

-         Tent of the Light / Gaismas telts EN

-         Pro.ini EN

-         Workshop of Solutions EN

-         NGO “From idea till development” EN


Development of cohesive society: intercultural dialogue and integration of national minorities / vienotas sabiedrības izveide: starpkultūru dialogs un nacionālo minoritāšu integrācija

-         Riga Plavnieki Elementary School Support Society EN

-         Association "Goral" EN

-         Fund for the Integration "Side by side-step by step" EN

-         School of all EN

-         Latvian Community Initiatives Foundation EN

-         Foundation for Society EN


Reduction of social inequalities, poverty and social exclusion, including in rural areas / sociālās iekļaušanas aktivitātes lauku rajonos

-         NGO „PTMB” EN

-         Latvian Red Cross EN

-         Association “Mazsalaca Developmental projects" EN

-         Ogre Youth Club “Project Workshop” EN

-         The House of fairy tales „Undine” – The Green order” EN

-         Education Development Center EN

-         White house / Baltā māja EN

-         The Russian Society in Latvia EN

-         Ludza Disabled Society EN

-         Liepaja Society of the Blind EN

-         Society „ECO Joy” EN

New innovative basic and welfare services to target groups (NGOs representing the rights and interests of people at social risk, people at risk of social exclusion and poverty)

pdfProject No 1

pdfProject No 2

pdfProject No 3

pdfProject No 4

pdfProject No 5

pdfProject No 6

pdfProject No 7

pdfProject No 8

pdfProject No 10

pdfProject No 11

pdfProject No 12

pdfProject No 17

Innovative social services and measures for children and youth at risk and families with children that potentially more often experience crisis situations

pdfProject No 1

pdfProject No 4

pdfProject No 9

pdfProject No 7

pdfProject No 8

pdfProject No 13

pdfProject No 14

pdfProject No 11

pdfProject No 12

pdfProject No 17

Measures aimed at embodiment and integration of the gender equality principle in all areas of life

pdfProject No 3

pdfProject No 5

pdfProject No 10

Involvement of NGOs in activities facilitating accessibility to the rights of citizens (activities promoting acquisition of citizenship)

pdfProject No 5

Involvement of NGOs in promoting democratic values, including human rights:
- ethnic minorities;
- intercultural communication, promotion of tolerance;
- elimination of discrimination.

pdfProject No 5

pdfProject No 6

pdfProject No 9

pdfProject No 15


SIF Logo and EEA Grants Logo

 Programme is financed by the EEA Grants and Latvia.

More about EEA Grants programme “NGO fund
EEA Grants website in Latvia: www.eeagrants.lv
EEA Grants official website: www.eeagrants.org


The EEA and Norway Grants have entered into a strategic partnership with the Council of Europe to promote tolerance and fundamental rights. Activities countering hatred are encouraged through the EEA NGO programmes.

In relation to the Council of Europe's No Hate Speech Movement, to which the EEA and Norway Grants are partners, the CoE has produced an education/training manual "pdfA manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education" The manual is designed for educators in schools, youth workers and NGOs and is meant as a supporting tool for the No Hate Speech Movement. It contains general information on the campaign, ideas for awareness-raising activities related to the campaign and useful background information on hate speech and hate speech online

October 24-25, 2013: The Spanish national coordination committee is organizing a national seminar in Mollina at the end of this month. Directed towards NGOs, experts and activists, this event will offer a good opportunity to pave the way for further collaboration between these different stakeholders.

14-20 October 2013: European Action Week of Local Democracy
The 'European Local Democracy Week' (ELDW) is an annual European event where local authorities from all 47 member states of the Council of Europe organise public events to meet and engage with their citizens on issues of current interest. There are obvious links between the root causes of hate speech and social cohesion, democracy and citizenship on the local levels, particularly when we speak about multicultural communities or exclusion of certain groups from the local community. Instead of an Action Day, we propose an Action Week! The message of this week is simple: We can make a change at local level, because democracy and equality starts with us all. Hate speech is often fuelled locally. Local democracy is, therefore, about global dignity issues locally.


European Action Day for Victims of Hate Crime 22 July
On 22 July the No Hate Speech Movement organises the European Action Day for Victims of Hate Crime and encourages people across Europe to commemorate and support victims of hate crime and to take action against hate crime. Recognition of hate crime and public awareness is an important part of the justice for victims


No hate speech website – launch 22 March 2013: www.nohatespeechmovement.org


naida runa

  • Oslo Conference on “Right-wing Extremism and Hate Crime: Minorities under Pressure in Europe and Beyond” (14-15 May 2013) - Chair's summary of conclusions
  • Combating hate speech online – Campaign launch 22 March

    The EEA and Norway Grants have entered into a strategic partnership with the Council of Europe to promote tolerance and fundamental rights. Activities countering hatred are encouraged through the EEA NGO programmes.

    During the last few years we have registered continued and renewed violations of fundamental rights, including physical and verbal attacks on minority groups, migrants, and on organisations defending human rights in Europe.

    To address these concerns, the EEA and Norway Grants have joined forces with the Council of Europe and support the No Hate Speech Movement. This campaign against hate speech online starts on 22 March 2013 and will run through to 2014.

    The objective is to take action against hate speech online in all its form – while respecting freedom of expression. The No Hate Speech Movement is based on human rights education, youth participation and media literacy.

    EEA Grants support NGO projects
    NGOs in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain can apply for project funding to take action against hate speech through the EEA Grants NGO Programmes.

    Support to civil society is one of the key priorities of the EEA Grants, with NGO programmes worth a total of €147 million.

    Promoting democratic values including human rights and good governance, combating discrimination, intolerance, gender inequality and social exclusion, are central to the programmes. At least 10% of the funding is targeted to children- and youth-driven organisations and/or activities.

    NGOs are also eligible for funding under many of the other thematic EEA and Norway Grants programmes. This makes the Grants one of the prime funding schemes for civil society in Central and Southern Europe.

    What is hate speech?
    Hate speech, as defined by the Council of Europe, covers all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin.

    Read more about the No Hate Speech Movement: http://act4hre.coe.int/eng/The-Campaign

    Read more about NGO Programmes and how to apply for funding: http://eeagrants.org/What-we-do/Programme-areas/Civil-society/NGO-Programmes

Archive of Events

  • October 9-11, 2013The Brussels Workshop for National Campaign Coordinators was a huge success, bringing together representatives from 28 countries. The event allowed NCCs and the European campaign committee to exchange expectations before the upcoming European Campaign Conference (7-9 Nov) and to gain deeper insight into the current state of play of the national campaigns.




"No Hate" - Calendar
October 2024
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