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NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)

Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
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Sub-programme „NGO project measure”( 5 783 036 EUR)


Social sector activities

Activities: fostering of welfare and provision of basic social services, local and regional NGO initiatives aimed at reduction of social inequality, promotion of social inclusion and gender equality, as well as integration of children and youth at risk of social exclusion.

Development of cohesive society

Activities: fostering of intercultural dialogue and integration of national minorities, including strengthening of human rights and national identity, awareness-raising informative and educational activities on citizenship issues and Latvian language training, which encourages democratic participation, prevents discrimination and promotes tolerance and acquisition of citizenship.

Types of projects:

•    Micro projects (local level): 5000-20000 EUR
•    Medium projects (regional level): 20000-50000 EUR
•    Macro projects (national or international level): 50000-100000 EUR Maximum project implementation time – 1 year (for micro projects) or 2 years (for medium projects and macro projects) (until April 30, 2016).

Calls for project proposals in sub-programme:

1st call:  November 27, 2012
2nd call: September 27, 2013
3rd call: 4th quarter of 2014 (for micro projects only)


More about EEA Grants programme "NGO fund" at SIF website here
EEA Grants website in Latvia: www.eeagrants.lv
EEA Grants official website: www.eeagrants.org

Projects: 124 (Cancelled: 4)


No.Project PromoterProject's title
1.Biedrība "Aglonas izglītības veicināšanas biedrība"You are one of us
2.Biedrība "Brīnummāja"The parent and specialist collaboration project for children development and minimisation of social exclusion "My oportunity"
3.Biedrība "Ģimenes atbalsta centrs "Atvērtība""Being in the same boat requires rowinf together!
4.Biedrība "Kurzemes NVO atbalsta centrs"Understand the Country
5.Biedrība „Youth for City – City for Youth”Active Voluntary
6.Biedrība "Izglītība un atbalsts Latvijas ģimenēm" Support for single parent families - resources for parents, opportunities for children
7.Biedrība "Tradicionālās kultūras biedrība "MANTOJUMS""Knowledge and understanding: communication in family must become the basis for a secure future
8.Biedrība "Latvijas Ģimenes plānošanas un seksuālās veselības asociācija „Papardes zieds”"Reduction of Social Inequality and Spread of Infection among Women Sex Worker in Riga
9.Biedrība „Pulmonālās hipertensijas biedrība”Establishment of advocacy and educational tools for people with pulmonary arterial hypertension
10.Biedrība "Izglītības projekti" (IP)Improvement of the support system for Roma children and young people
11.Biedrība „Skalbes”Behaviour management and social skills training for children aged 4 - 8 with behaviour problems
12.Biedrība "Izglītības projekti" Step towards cildren and young people with special needs
13.Biedrība "Radi Vidi Pats" Other kitchen for your CV
14.Biedrība "Jelgavas pensionāru biedrība"Family Assistants in Jelgava city
15.Biedrība "Pāvulēni"Let's raise love!
16.Nodibinājums "Atbalsta centrs ģimenēm un bērniem ar īpašām vajadzībām "Cimdiņš"" People beside us
17.Biedrība "Ģimeņu atbalsta centrs "Puķuzirnis""Complexes of support measures to reduction of social exclusion for youth and families with children
18.Nodibinājums "Valmieras novada fonds"Volunteering – your step to success
19.Nodibinājums "Invalīdu un viņu draugu apvienība "APEIRONS""Universal Design for the Future
20.Biedrība "Latvijas Diabēta federācija"Development of Social Rehabilitation Services of Latvian Diabetes Federation
21.Biedrība "Mēs saviem bērniem"Provision of social services and development of the environment enhancing for children and teenagers with different functional disabilities in Madona region
22.Biedrība "ERFOLG"The integration of ethnic minorities in Latgale region: cooperation possibilities of NGO for the solution of problems
23.Biedrība "Bāreņu biedrība "Saules bērni""Integration of society with intercultural dialogue
24.Biedrība "GM Integration"Martial arts as physiotherapy
25.Nodibinājums "Fonds-Jūrmala cilvēkam"Innovative solutions for accessible – socially inclusive product of tourism development in Latvian municipalities
26.Biedrība "Resursu centrs cilvēkiem ar garīgiem traucējumiem "ZELDA""Pilot Project for Introduction of Supported Decission-Making in Latvia
27.Nodibinājums "Latgales Reģionālais atbalsta centrs „Rasas pērles”"Make together your dream true of a harmonious family
28.Nodibinājums "Allažu bērnu un ģimenes atbalsta centrs"Parenting skills assessment and training motivation program development and implementation
29.Nodibinājums "Latvijas Kopienu iniciatīvu fonds"UCAN do that 2!
30.Biedrība "Dzīvnieku pansija Ulubele""Responsible, educated, involved"
31.Nodibinājums "Fonds sabiedrībai"Integration of long-term patients into the job market by providing ICT skills acquisition
32.Biedrība "Izglītības attīstības centrs"Diversity as a resource for education and community development
33.Biedrība "JĒKABPILS NVO RESURSU CENTRS"Welcome to life!
34.Biedrība "Lauku partnerība Sēlija"Beyond the Skyline
35.Biedrība "Baltā māja"Experience and Knowledge of Association „Balta Maja” for the Integration of National Minorities into Latvia` s community
36.Biedrība "Latvijas Audžuģimeņu biedrība"Family care - secure base for development of children
37.Biedrība "Patvērums "Drošā māja""Multidisciplinary iniciatives to prevent human beings
38.Biedrība "Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība"The Creative Challenge
39.Biedrība "Attīstības centrs ģimenei"SAFE HERE – innovative community programs against current violent actions
40.Biedrība "Biedrība kristīgai paaudžu kopībai "Tilts""STRONG FAMILY –THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN FUTURE