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Being in the same boat requires rowinf together!

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Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)

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Creation of united society at the level of interethnic NGOs and at the level of ethnic minority families using intercultural dialogue promotion measures, improvement of knowledge of the official language, thus promoting understanding of Latvian culture and traditions as main tools.
At the beginning of the project informative campaign will be organized for its target audience about main goals and activities of the project, also, seminar for representatives of ethnic minorities will be organized, furthermore, the mid- term Operational Strategy 2015-2020 for association “Atvērtība” (Openness) will be developed at the local level. It will include analyses of the operation of the center; will put forward the priorities for the next period, promoting operational regularity of the association and development in accordance to particular perspective.
Within the project there will be conducted a package of measures devoted to integration and education of society to fulfill the goals set. Starting with round table discussion the target audience of the project will be clarified, addressing to the members of Russian speaking NGOs. The members of NGOs will introduce and present what their organizations have reached; they will give insight in identification of needs and topical issues related to official language learning opportunities. Working together new cooperation models will be sought. On the basis of the information obtained informative blog will be established, that will contain information about associations, their activities, will provide insight in procedures for gaining citizenship and learning official language and other topical activities to reach the goals. Blog will promote creation of inter- ethnical NGOs network and will contribute to its visibility, cooperation. Furthermore, it will widen informative space. Thereby network will provide economically favorable informative support especially for small associations, because only few of them can afford to create and maintain their own website and cover wide information space.
The basic activities to motivate noncitizens to integrate into Latvian society and to improve intercultural dialogue will be promoted among target audience – ethnical minorities. Activities include improvement of Latvian language skills and motivation to learn official language. It will also include providing information about obtaining citizenship, introducing with Latvian national traditions, with Latvian traditional characters and their meaning; practical classes to improve susceptibility; day camp for children and young people from ethnic minorities and mixed families to introduce them with Latvian language, culture and traditions. At the end of the project closing event will be organized – mutually enriching and improving integration of the society. Event will be a festival of friendship for Latvian and Russian NGOs from Kraslava and other districts which would contribute to deeper understanding of Latvian culture and language. This event will fulfill also representative function of the project, showing a good example how different cultures can successfully coexist and improve dialogue.

Project closing conference – in terms of the festival there will be organized also an exhibition/fair of handicrafts made during the classes of individual entrepreneurship. Implementation of the project in cooperation with „Krāslavas Latviešu biedrību” ( Kraslava Latvian association) will contribute to unification of society, improvement of the language skills, understanding of the procedure for gaining citizenship, deepening knowledge of Latvian culture as well as strengthening susceptibility of participants by teaching them new skills.
To reach the aims of the project around 160 people will take part in it; 5 non-citizens, 15 children and youths, 19 members of association „Ģimenes atbalsta centrs „Atvērtība” (Family support center “Openness”), 6 members of staff and 3 volunteers.

Project results: The project was aimed at a single society of inter-ethnic non-governmental organizations and ethnic minorities at the family level, as a tool for intercultural dialogue through measures to boost the state language development, promoting understanding of Latvian folk culture and traditions.
The Project target group was different population groups, including 160 minorities, 5 non-citizens, 15 children and young people. As well as NVOs representing the above groups of people's rights and interests, including the 19 members, six employees and three volunteers.
The following results have been achieved:
•A society's website www.atvertiba.lv;
•Developed Society "Family Support Center" Openness" medium - term strategy for 2015. - 2020" available on the Society's website:
•Created Inter-ethnic NVO Network;
•Organized a round table discussion;
• Latvian language training
•Arranged Miķeļdienas celebration, 28 participants;
•In the interests of organized clubs (Latvian folk traditions, symbolism, Latvian articles viewed, etc);
•Organized training initiatives promotion and development;
•Organized training for writing projects;
•Arranged for day camps (15 children and young people, for 5 days);
•Arranged in the project final event: Conference/Festival (142 participants).
Mostly people with quite weak Latvian language skills showed interest to participate in the project.
The main benefit from the project is improved integration of the society in the remote border area of Latvia and new cooperation model for Latvians and ethnic minorities. In total 180 people took part in the project, aged between 5 and 92 years.

Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”

Project number: 2014.EEZ/PP/2/MIC/026
Project approval date: 08.04.2015.
Project contract date: 29.07.2015.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: NGO „Ģimenes Support Center „Atvērtība”
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Biedrība „KRĀSLAVAS LATVIEŠU BIEDRĪBA”
Place(s) of implementation: Krāslavas novads
Project implementation region(s): Latgale Region
Project duration, months: 8
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 12376.23 EUR / 8 698.06 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 10581.68 EUR / 7 436.85 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 556.93 EUR / 391.41 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 1237.62 EUR / 869.80 LVL;
Legal address: Pils iela 5, Krāslava, Krāslavas novads, LV-5601
Phone No.: 28370906
Website: -

Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia: www.eeagrants.lv
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office: www.eeagrants.org