Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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Date of submission: 05.01.2015.
Funding: EUR 205 057
Society Integration Foundation announces the third open call for proposals under "NGO Project Measure" of the EEA Grants 2009-2014 programme "NGO fund" in Latvia.
Objective of the programme
Objective of the NGO Fund is to strengthen civil society development and to provide support to social justice, democracy and sustainable development. The funding available for projects under the NGO Fund is provided by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (95% of the funding) and the Republic of Latvia (5% of the funding). Project promoters must ensure at least 10% co-financing of the project total eligible expenditure.
Available funding
The total amount available through the call is EUR 205 057 (EUR 168 579 for the first thematic area “Social sector activities” and EUR 36 478 for the second thematic area “Development of cohesive society”).
Deadline for submission of project applications
The deadline for submission of micro project applications is January 05, 2015 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery).
How to submit project applications
Project applications can be submitted in one of the following ways:
- submitted online through the Electronic Project Management System of the Society Integration Foundation (PEVS), which can be accessed through website: In order to get access to the online project application tool, a respective agreement with the Society Integration Foundation shall be signed;
- in one paper copy with an enclosed electronic copy submitted by hand-delivery or by regular mail addressed to: Society Integration Foundation, Brīvības iela 40-39, Rīga, Latvia, LV-1050;
- in one electronic copy signed with an secure electronic signature and certified with a time-stamp submitted by e-mail addressed to: ;
Informative seminars
Informative seminars about preparation of project applications will take place from November 10 till December 12, 2014 in Riga and in the regions. Please follow the information on the SIF's website:
Guidelines for Applicants and project application forms are available on the SIF's website: For additional information please send an e-mail to: .
Objective of the NGO Project Measure is to promote increase of welfare, strengthen democratic values and respect for human rights in Latvia, providing financial support to projects implemented by NGOs in two areas of support: social sector activities and development of cohesive society.
Eligible applicants are associations and foundations established in Latvia that are non-profit voluntary organizations, established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, acting for the public good, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organizations.
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers that prescribe the application procedure for open calls, project application form, budget form, methodological guidelines for filling out the forms and other information necessary for preparation of project application is made available at the Calls for Proposals section of the website of the Society Integration Foundation Information can also be obtained by visiting the office of the Society Integration Foundation at Brīvības iela 40-39, Rīga.
Programme is financed by the EEA Grants and Latvia.
More about EEA Grants programme “NGO fund”
EEA Grants website in Latvia:
EEA Grants official website:
Informative seminars about preparation of project applications in regions of Latvia:
November 12 - Cesis
November 14 - Liepaja
November 24 - Jelgava
November 20 – Rezekne
Informative seminars about preparation of project applications in Riga:
November 27 - Riga
Your are kindly requested to apply to the seminar by making a phone call to the number (+371) 67281752 or sending an e-mail to info[at] Participation at the seminars are free of charge.