Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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Objective: to contribute decreasing of domestic abuse
Target group: victims of domestic abuse and people committing it
Location: „Varavīksne”,Egļusala,Rugaji County
Main activities:
1.To work out the rehabilitation program for victims of domestic abuse, also integrating the program of occupational therapy
2.To adjust and supplement the material base for introducing this program
3.To approbate the developed program, carrying out the complex work with the families of target group-72 victims of domestic abuse and 12 people committing it,decreasing and removing domestic abuse
4.To prepare methodical materials for introducing the program and also to provide its publicity
Expected results:
Worked out the rehabilitation program for victims of domestic abuse and also children together with their families,which includes the victims’ rehabilitation and complex work with people committing violence to remove not only consequences but causes as well.
Adapted and updated material base for introducing the program.Prepared methodical materials for introducing the program.
Project results: The Project aim was to contribute decreasing of domestic abuse.
The project target group were victims of violence, including 36 people with disabilities, violence by individuals, including 12 disabled persons, child victims of violence, including 24 disabled persons, victims of violence children's parents, including disabled 12th.
The following results have been achieved:
• Worked out the rehabilitation program for victims of domestic abuse and also children together with their families, which includes the victims rehabilitation and complex work with people committing violence to remove not only consequences but causes as well.
• Adapted and updated material base for introducing the program, training courses and exchange of experience for staff.
• Approbated rehabilitation program. The victims of domestic abuse was introduced with possibilities to find help from specialists in complicated situations, they will be taught how to simulate different situations in family life. People were motivated to make the model of socially acceptable behaviour, to follow a healthy lifestyle, to regain self-confidence and confidence in their social roles in life.
• Prepared methodical materials for introducing the program and provided publicity of the project in mass media.
The project is designed for victims of domestic violence rehabilitation program, which provides a complex work with victims of violence and abuse by a person in order to avoid the consequences of violence and mitigate its causes; customized material basis for implementation of the program, staff provided training, supervision takes place; prepared methodological materials for implementing the program and ensuring project publicity; made programs approbation and implementation - rehabilitation programs developed after the 31.12.2015. received 84 persons.
The project leads to high social capital formation, because preventing violence in the family and society are socialized and returned to society, victims of violence. The developed program, and other materials developed within the project are freely available on the Internet for all the workers concerned institutions and other stakeholders. The project activities contribute to the fact that the Latvian Welfare formed a company which appreciates and develops equality, fairness and their cultural heritage.
Target group: victims of domestic abuse and people committing it
Location: „Varavīksne”,Egļusala,Rugaji County
Main activities:
1.To work out the rehabilitation program for victims of domestic abuse, also integrating the program of occupational therapy
2.To adjust and supplement the material base for introducing this program
3.To approbate the developed program, carrying out the complex work with the families of target group-72 victims of domestic abuse and 12 people committing it,decreasing and removing domestic abuse
4.To prepare methodical materials for introducing the program and also to provide its publicity
Expected results:
Worked out the rehabilitation program for victims of domestic abuse and also children together with their families,which includes the victims’ rehabilitation and complex work with people committing violence to remove not only consequences but causes as well.
Adapted and updated material base for introducing the program.Prepared methodical materials for introducing the program.
Project results: The Project aim was to contribute decreasing of domestic abuse.
The project target group were victims of violence, including 36 people with disabilities, violence by individuals, including 12 disabled persons, child victims of violence, including 24 disabled persons, victims of violence children's parents, including disabled 12th.
The following results have been achieved:
• Worked out the rehabilitation program for victims of domestic abuse and also children together with their families, which includes the victims rehabilitation and complex work with people committing violence to remove not only consequences but causes as well.
• Adapted and updated material base for introducing the program, training courses and exchange of experience for staff.
• Approbated rehabilitation program. The victims of domestic abuse was introduced with possibilities to find help from specialists in complicated situations, they will be taught how to simulate different situations in family life. People were motivated to make the model of socially acceptable behaviour, to follow a healthy lifestyle, to regain self-confidence and confidence in their social roles in life.
• Prepared methodical materials for introducing the program and provided publicity of the project in mass media.
The project is designed for victims of domestic violence rehabilitation program, which provides a complex work with victims of violence and abuse by a person in order to avoid the consequences of violence and mitigate its causes; customized material basis for implementation of the program, staff provided training, supervision takes place; prepared methodological materials for implementing the program and ensuring project publicity; made programs approbation and implementation - rehabilitation programs developed after the 31.12.2015. received 84 persons.
The project leads to high social capital formation, because preventing violence in the family and society are socialized and returned to society, victims of violence. The developed program, and other materials developed within the project are freely available on the Internet for all the workers concerned institutions and other stakeholders. The project activities contribute to the fact that the Latvian Welfare formed a company which appreciates and develops equality, fairness and their cultural heritage.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2013.EEZ/PP/1/MEC/018Project approval date: 09.07.2014.
Project contract date: 23.09.2014.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Foundation „Latgale Regional support centre „Rasas perles””
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Nodibinājums "Centrs Valdardze",Biedrība “Mans patvērums”,Balvu novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests
Place(s) of implementation: Rugāju novads
Project implementation region(s): Latgale Region
Project duration, months: 15
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 49999.99 EUR / 35 140.19 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 42749.99 EUR / 30 044.86 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 2250.00 EUR / 1 581.31 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 5000.00 EUR / 3 514.02 LVL;
Legal address: "Varavīksne", Egļusala , Rugāju novads, LV-4570
Phone No.: 29131146
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office: