Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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The project objective is to strengthen integration rights of national minorities (mainly Russian speaking), especially regarding human rights of persons with disability by fostering welfare growth of this social group and strengthening democratic values.
The main project obective is to educate NGOs and representatives of national minorities on democracy and political particiaption issues, to promote their political participation within their municipalities, attracting society's attention to problem issues, thus strengthening capacity of regional organizations.
Project results: This project “United in the Society” focused on needs of persons with disabilities and specifically on those who do not hold citizenship of Latvia. Main purpose of the project was to tackle the issues which people with disabilities face in everyday life and to provide recourses and information to deal with these problems.
The overall aim of the project was to strengthen rights and integration of national minorities (mostly those who use Russian language as means of daily communication), and especially respecting human rights of persons with disabilities by promoting growth of welfare and strengthening democratic values of this social group.
Specific aim of the project was to educate representatives from organisations which deal with national minorities on democratic and political participation aspects as well as to promote their participation in frames of their local municipalities by becoming more politically active, attracting attention from the society and promoting problem issues thereby strengthening the capacity of regional organisations.
We believe that we have fully implemented specific aim of the project by educating 10 representatives from 5 organisations on democracy and political participation aspects as well as promoted their participation within their municipalities by organizing 5 regional forums as well as attracting attention of the society by implementing 14 initiatives, promoting problem issues and strengthening 20 other organisations. Different project activities have helped to achieve the aim ensuring a step towards overall aim of the project.
This project has significantly promoted democratical values and human rights of people with disabilities, especially in municipalities where different project activities was held.
Trained 11 participants from 5 organisations on democracy issues and communication of their related problem issues. During the project 5 regional forums on rights of people with disabilities to be involved in local municipality political processes were organized with 150 participants and 20 additional organisations involved. 11 videos on national/regional TV broadcasted and one radio discussion held. 2 big articles in the biggest Russian speaking audience weekly newspaper – one targeting persons with disabilities, other – targeting employers and entrepreneurs. 14 different activities organized in regions or Latvia with 253 people involved. Overall in each and every activity there was high representation of direct target group of this project (people with disabilities and national minorities who are disabled) and the feedback have been very positive, because these activities proved that disabled persons face lack of information and feel left alone. With an involvement in this project they were able to express themselves and gain a feeling that their problems are listened upon.
The main project obective is to educate NGOs and representatives of national minorities on democracy and political particiaption issues, to promote their political participation within their municipalities, attracting society's attention to problem issues, thus strengthening capacity of regional organizations.
Project results: This project “United in the Society” focused on needs of persons with disabilities and specifically on those who do not hold citizenship of Latvia. Main purpose of the project was to tackle the issues which people with disabilities face in everyday life and to provide recourses and information to deal with these problems.
The overall aim of the project was to strengthen rights and integration of national minorities (mostly those who use Russian language as means of daily communication), and especially respecting human rights of persons with disabilities by promoting growth of welfare and strengthening democratic values of this social group.
Specific aim of the project was to educate representatives from organisations which deal with national minorities on democratic and political participation aspects as well as to promote their participation in frames of their local municipalities by becoming more politically active, attracting attention from the society and promoting problem issues thereby strengthening the capacity of regional organisations.
We believe that we have fully implemented specific aim of the project by educating 10 representatives from 5 organisations on democracy and political participation aspects as well as promoted their participation within their municipalities by organizing 5 regional forums as well as attracting attention of the society by implementing 14 initiatives, promoting problem issues and strengthening 20 other organisations. Different project activities have helped to achieve the aim ensuring a step towards overall aim of the project.
This project has significantly promoted democratical values and human rights of people with disabilities, especially in municipalities where different project activities was held.
Trained 11 participants from 5 organisations on democracy issues and communication of their related problem issues. During the project 5 regional forums on rights of people with disabilities to be involved in local municipality political processes were organized with 150 participants and 20 additional organisations involved. 11 videos on national/regional TV broadcasted and one radio discussion held. 2 big articles in the biggest Russian speaking audience weekly newspaper – one targeting persons with disabilities, other – targeting employers and entrepreneurs. 14 different activities organized in regions or Latvia with 253 people involved. Overall in each and every activity there was high representation of direct target group of this project (people with disabilities and national minorities who are disabled) and the feedback have been very positive, because these activities proved that disabled persons face lack of information and feel left alone. With an involvement in this project they were able to express themselves and gain a feeling that their problems are listened upon.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/2/MEC/017Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 19.11.2013.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: An organisation of people with disabilities and their friends „Apeirons”
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Project implementation region(s): Whole Latvia
Project duration, months: 14
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 53494.03 EUR / 37 595.82 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 45737.40 EUR / 32 144.43 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 2407.23 EUR / 1 691.81 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 5349.40 EUR / 3 759.58 LVL;
Legal address: Valdemāra iela 38, k.1, Rīga, LV-1010
Phone No.: 67299209
Fax: -
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office:
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