Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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Communities of remote and rural areas are prone to isolation and are less informed about processes in society as a whole.
The Project will strengthen human rights and promote increase of welfare at the Northern border of Latvia through trainings to the target group – inhabitants of the rural and remote areas or small towns at the Northern border of Latvia who are at risk of social exclusion and poverty.
Within the Project the target group will gain knowledge and skills on traditions, healthy lifestyle and entrepreneurship, IT, culture, English language and gardening. These activities will not only improve the quality of life of the target group but also promote cohesive society and strengthen capacity of the organization establishing cooperation between the NGO and the municipality, as well as between the Latvian and Norwegian organizations.
Project results: The project was necessary to promote prosperity and respect for human rights in the Northern border area of Latvia, as well as to raise the competitiveness of the local population. The main task of the project was to organize trainings for the target group: 70 children and young people, 86 families with children, 10 people with disabilities, 470 people of the risk groups of social exclusion and poverty in rural areas and small towns of the Northern border area of Latvia - in the Municipalities of Rūjiena, Mazsalaca and Burtnieki.
During the time period from January 2014 to February 2015 the following activities have been carried out within the project:
1. 56 English lessons (112 hours) in Rūjiena, 16 participants.
2. 56 English lessons in Mazsalaca (79 hours), 20 participants.
3. 6 lessons of Latvian traditions in Rūjiena.
4. 5 Latvian traditional dance classes, 40 participants.
5. 3 days of theatre classes in Rūjiena, 25 participants.
6. 16 music lessons (38 hours) for 11 people with disabilities and 7 volunteers.
7. 21 felting classes for 11 people with disabilities and 7 volunteers.
8. 10 theatre classes for 9 people with disabilities and 6 volunteers.
9. 15 multimedia lessons in Rūjiena, 15 participants.
10. 16 animation and video editing classes in Mazsalaca, 15 participants.
11. A lesson of the graphic programs (3 hours), 15 participants.
12. 15 lessons (73 hours) of aesthetic and economic development of the rural environment, in Rūjiena, 30-50 participants.
13. 10 lessons (60 hours) in Mazsalaca of the aesthetic and economic development of the rural environment, 40 participants.
14. 17 lessons (35 hours) and practical activities of gardening in “Rožkalni” for 10 people with disabilities and 8 volunteers.
15. 6 study tours for 11 people with disabilities and 11 volunteers.
16. 10 career development trainings for 20 young people.
17. A health training course (46 hours) in Rūjiena, 17 participants.
18. A health training course (32 hours) in Mazsalaca, 15 participants.
19. 39 lessons within the program “Children's emotional education” for 21 families etc.
Young people, families, disabled, disadvantaged persons and people living in remote border areas acquired new skills and knowledge of traditions, healthy lifestyle, business, IT, culture, English language and gardening.
The partner of the project Camphill Village Trust of Norway leaded workshops in healthy lifestyle and gardening.
By involving the target group in common effort during community work, the consolidation of society was encouraged.
By implementing the project the capacity of the organizations has been strengthened, and the cooperation between NGOs and local government as well as between Latvian and Norwegian organizations has been developed.
The Project will strengthen human rights and promote increase of welfare at the Northern border of Latvia through trainings to the target group – inhabitants of the rural and remote areas or small towns at the Northern border of Latvia who are at risk of social exclusion and poverty.
Within the Project the target group will gain knowledge and skills on traditions, healthy lifestyle and entrepreneurship, IT, culture, English language and gardening. These activities will not only improve the quality of life of the target group but also promote cohesive society and strengthen capacity of the organization establishing cooperation between the NGO and the municipality, as well as between the Latvian and Norwegian organizations.
Project results: The project was necessary to promote prosperity and respect for human rights in the Northern border area of Latvia, as well as to raise the competitiveness of the local population. The main task of the project was to organize trainings for the target group: 70 children and young people, 86 families with children, 10 people with disabilities, 470 people of the risk groups of social exclusion and poverty in rural areas and small towns of the Northern border area of Latvia - in the Municipalities of Rūjiena, Mazsalaca and Burtnieki.
During the time period from January 2014 to February 2015 the following activities have been carried out within the project:
1. 56 English lessons (112 hours) in Rūjiena, 16 participants.
2. 56 English lessons in Mazsalaca (79 hours), 20 participants.
3. 6 lessons of Latvian traditions in Rūjiena.
4. 5 Latvian traditional dance classes, 40 participants.
5. 3 days of theatre classes in Rūjiena, 25 participants.
6. 16 music lessons (38 hours) for 11 people with disabilities and 7 volunteers.
7. 21 felting classes for 11 people with disabilities and 7 volunteers.
8. 10 theatre classes for 9 people with disabilities and 6 volunteers.
9. 15 multimedia lessons in Rūjiena, 15 participants.
10. 16 animation and video editing classes in Mazsalaca, 15 participants.
11. A lesson of the graphic programs (3 hours), 15 participants.
12. 15 lessons (73 hours) of aesthetic and economic development of the rural environment, in Rūjiena, 30-50 participants.
13. 10 lessons (60 hours) in Mazsalaca of the aesthetic and economic development of the rural environment, 40 participants.
14. 17 lessons (35 hours) and practical activities of gardening in “Rožkalni” for 10 people with disabilities and 8 volunteers.
15. 6 study tours for 11 people with disabilities and 11 volunteers.
16. 10 career development trainings for 20 young people.
17. A health training course (46 hours) in Rūjiena, 17 participants.
18. A health training course (32 hours) in Mazsalaca, 15 participants.
19. 39 lessons within the program “Children's emotional education” for 21 families etc.
Young people, families, disabled, disadvantaged persons and people living in remote border areas acquired new skills and knowledge of traditions, healthy lifestyle, business, IT, culture, English language and gardening.
The partner of the project Camphill Village Trust of Norway leaded workshops in healthy lifestyle and gardening.
By involving the target group in common effort during community work, the consolidation of society was encouraged.
By implementing the project the capacity of the organizations has been strengthened, and the cooperation between NGOs and local government as well as between Latvian and Norwegian organizations has been developed.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MEC/173Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 20.01.2014.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Association „Oleri manor”
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Biedrība „Mazsalcas attīstības projekti”,Rūjienas novada pašvaldība,Nodibinājums "Camphill nodibinājums "Rožkalni"",Sabiedriska organizācija "Norvēģijas Camphill ciematu nodibinājums",Biedrība „Rūjienas novada ģimenes atbalsta centrs „Vārpiņa”"
Place(s) of implementation: Burtnieku novads,Mazsalacas novads,Rūjienas novads
Project implementation region(s): Vidzeme Region
Project duration, months: 14
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 55485.09 EUR / 38 995.14 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 47439.74 EUR / 33 340.84 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 2496.83 EUR / 1 754.78 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 5548.52 EUR / 3 899.52 LVL;
Legal address: Oleru muiža, Jeru pagasts, Rūjienas novads, LV-4234
Phone No.: 29224494
Fax: -
Website: -
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office: