Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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The project’s aim is to create a youth center for children and youth at risk of social exclusion. Through development of their competencies, allowing them to acquire and improve new skills and know-how, involving them in voluntary work and its promotion, and also by enabling their active participation in creation of a support network, paying a special attention to personal and professional development of the youth, the project aims to integrate children and youth into society.
The project will be implemented in Riga but there will be monthly activities around all of Latvia, organized at schools, youth crisis centers and other non-governmental and municipal organisations.
The project target group is youth at risk of social exclusion, namely school drop-outs or irregular attendants of school, young people which have suffered from or committed violence, young people from social centers, etc.
Project results: The project implementation period:01.01.2014.-31.12.2015.
The project was implemented: Riga and Latvia
Project „Tomorrow together” aim was to create a youth center – study in Riga, where could be implemented diverse activities that support disadvantaged children and young people integration into society through the development of competences, skills and young people involvement in volunteer work, as well as active participation in the support network, paying particular attention to young people's personal and professional growth.vThrough the project implementation main goals were provide different activities through following tasks:
1. Open Youth Studie - Centre in Riga;
2. Organized a multi-faceted youth activities - workshops, non-formal learning, discussion and specialized clubs, train volunteers;
3. Developed mentoring and peer support networks and provide career counseling activities.
The project implementation was addressed to face with the fundamental problem - young people from social risk groups and young people who are at high risk of social exclusion (from poor families, young people with low self-motivation, who have dropped out or are at risk of leaving school) the provision of educational, useful, interesting, creative, binding and inspiring activities by giving young people a safe, binding and inspiring environment. Project aim was fully achieved and now Youth studio "BaMbuss”, what is located in Brivibas gatve 204, Riga, is a multi-functional, organic, attractive and progressive place for youngsters where they can learn and develop their skills and abilities, gain new experiences and spend their leisure time through the non-formal activities. In the studio is organized a variety of activities - trainings, creative workshops, competitions, discussion club "Youth speaks" and specialized language, photo and video clubs. Studio practises only non-formal education in its work and encourages the youngsters to be civicallly engaged by volunteering their time to good causes. In BaMbuss every young person can realise its wildest dreams and/or build crazy innovative projects.
Project was iplemented in cooperation with the 3 partners:
Non-governmental organization “Youth Education Centre “Fialta” from Belarus, NGO Youth Leader Coalition and Riga's Municipality's Children and Youth Centre „Ziemeli” from Latvia. All the partners took certain role in order to achieve project aim but the most active partner was NGO Youth Leader Coalition who was involved in all discussions clubs and also took part in other activities as well. Partner from Belarus visited youth center few times and also orginized study visit in Belarus for 10 people from Latvia – 8 youngsters and 2 support persons.
The project was implemented in Riga and activities were organized also in other places in whole Latvia. After closing the project „Tomorrow together”, project implementator „Baltic Regional fund” continues work with young people and finance youth studio from its own resources. Since in the project has been trained volunteers and mentors, now they are who organizes activities and lead initiatives and BRF is very proud to say, that amaizng work with youngsters continues and every month in youth studion happen similar activities to those who were caried out during project.
The project will be implemented in Riga but there will be monthly activities around all of Latvia, organized at schools, youth crisis centers and other non-governmental and municipal organisations.
The project target group is youth at risk of social exclusion, namely school drop-outs or irregular attendants of school, young people which have suffered from or committed violence, young people from social centers, etc.
Project results: The project implementation period:01.01.2014.-31.12.2015.
The project was implemented: Riga and Latvia
Project „Tomorrow together” aim was to create a youth center – study in Riga, where could be implemented diverse activities that support disadvantaged children and young people integration into society through the development of competences, skills and young people involvement in volunteer work, as well as active participation in the support network, paying particular attention to young people's personal and professional growth.vThrough the project implementation main goals were provide different activities through following tasks:
1. Open Youth Studie - Centre in Riga;
2. Organized a multi-faceted youth activities - workshops, non-formal learning, discussion and specialized clubs, train volunteers;
3. Developed mentoring and peer support networks and provide career counseling activities.
The project implementation was addressed to face with the fundamental problem - young people from social risk groups and young people who are at high risk of social exclusion (from poor families, young people with low self-motivation, who have dropped out or are at risk of leaving school) the provision of educational, useful, interesting, creative, binding and inspiring activities by giving young people a safe, binding and inspiring environment. Project aim was fully achieved and now Youth studio "BaMbuss”, what is located in Brivibas gatve 204, Riga, is a multi-functional, organic, attractive and progressive place for youngsters where they can learn and develop their skills and abilities, gain new experiences and spend their leisure time through the non-formal activities. In the studio is organized a variety of activities - trainings, creative workshops, competitions, discussion club "Youth speaks" and specialized language, photo and video clubs. Studio practises only non-formal education in its work and encourages the youngsters to be civicallly engaged by volunteering their time to good causes. In BaMbuss every young person can realise its wildest dreams and/or build crazy innovative projects.
Project was iplemented in cooperation with the 3 partners:
Non-governmental organization “Youth Education Centre “Fialta” from Belarus, NGO Youth Leader Coalition and Riga's Municipality's Children and Youth Centre „Ziemeli” from Latvia. All the partners took certain role in order to achieve project aim but the most active partner was NGO Youth Leader Coalition who was involved in all discussions clubs and also took part in other activities as well. Partner from Belarus visited youth center few times and also orginized study visit in Belarus for 10 people from Latvia – 8 youngsters and 2 support persons.
The project was implemented in Riga and activities were organized also in other places in whole Latvia. After closing the project „Tomorrow together”, project implementator „Baltic Regional fund” continues work with young people and finance youth studio from its own resources. Since in the project has been trained volunteers and mentors, now they are who organizes activities and lead initiatives and BRF is very proud to say, that amaizng work with youngsters continues and every month in youth studion happen similar activities to those who were caried out during project.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MAC/160Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 10.01.2014.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Foundation „Baltic Regional fund”
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Sabiedriska organizācija "Jauniešu izglītības centrs „Fialta”",Biedrība "Jaunatnes līderu koalīcija",Rīgas pašvaldības Bērnu un jauniešu centra struktūrvienības „Ziemeļi"
Project implementation region(s): Rīga,Whole Latvia
Project duration, months: 24
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 99599.79 EUR / 69 999.13 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 85157.82 EUR / 59 849.26 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 4481.99 EUR / 3 149.96 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 9959.98 EUR / 6 999.91 LVL;
Legal address: Lāčplēša iela 37, Rīga, LV-1011
Phone No.: 29256888
Fax: -
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office:
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