Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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The project aims to promote prosperity through the introduction of innovative social services and the provision of social rehabilitation of victims of violence, persons at risk of exclusion. The target group - victims of violence corresponds to the sub-activity target group - social exclusion and poverty risk groups (victims of violence). Innovative rehabilitation program will be implemented in cooperation between various professionals' cross-Vidzeme planning region - Center Valdardze and Kurzeme planning region - crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" as well as Talsi crisis center. As a result of the project activities the victims of violence will have: - The opportunity to build self-esteem and reduce the consequences of violence impact on a person's quality of life through reittherapy, canistherapy and working methods to minimize the emotional trauma and prevent further violence against themselves and aggressive, destructive behavior against others. - Offered a set of services that, for financial reasons, the victim of violence is unable to bear either on his own or municipality's finances. Number of people provided with innovative social services and facilities availability will be increased by 468 persons.
Project results: By realizing the project activities,are provided innovative, high-quality, efficient and to the needs of society based rehabilitation service by raising the capacity of public services of the "Centre Valdardze" ,Talsi crisis centre and the crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" .
• The number of persons who had taken innovative social services are 618 children who are victims of violence (190 children in the''Center Valdardze ",205 children in the crisis center for families with children" Paspārne ", 223 children in theTalsi Crisis Centre ).
• By cooperating with the various fields of professionals from Centre Valdardze , crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" ,Talsi Crisis Centre, as well as inviting the specialists of the reittherapy and kanisterapy was developed the program of the innovative social rehabilitation .
• Had organized a 4-day trip to Norway for 6 persons.
• Had organized seminar for social rehabilitation service providers to victims of violence - for crisis center experts / 2 days /. 17 specialists are attended the seminar.
• Had organized the project start-up workshops, Vidzeme Planning Region - 2 days, Kurzeme Planning Region - 3 days.
Project results: By realizing the project activities,are provided innovative, high-quality, efficient and to the needs of society based rehabilitation service by raising the capacity of public services of the "Centre Valdardze" ,Talsi crisis centre and the crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" .
• The number of persons who had taken innovative social services are 618 children who are victims of violence (190 children in the''Center Valdardze ",205 children in the crisis center for families with children" Paspārne ", 223 children in theTalsi Crisis Centre ).
• By cooperating with the various fields of professionals from Centre Valdardze , crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" ,Talsi Crisis Centre, as well as inviting the specialists of the reittherapy and kanisterapy was developed the program of the innovative social rehabilitation .
• Had organized a 4-day trip to Norway for 6 persons.
• Had organized seminar for social rehabilitation service providers to victims of violence - for crisis center experts / 2 days /. 17 specialists are attended the seminar.
• Had organized the project start-up workshops, Vidzeme Planning Region - 2 days, Kurzeme Planning Region - 3 days.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MAC/153Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 30.01.2014.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Foundation "Center Valdardze"
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Nodibinājums „Talsu novada krīžu centrs”,Nodibinājums "Krīzes centrs ģimenēm ar bērniem „Paspārne”",EKT Jāšanas skola un mājdzīvnieku parks As
Place(s) of implementation: Ventspils,Talsi,Valmiera
Project implementation region(s): Kurzemes region,Vidzemes region
Project duration, months: 24
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 102841.05 EUR / 72 277.10 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 85740.64 EUR / 60 258.86 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 4512.67 EUR / 3 171.52 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 12587.74 EUR / 8 846.71 LVL;
Legal address: Raiņa iela 9f, Valmiera, LV-4201
Phone No.: 64220686
Fax: -
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