eez-2009  grafiskais elements


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Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)

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The project’s aim is to improve the life quality of children and youth exposed to different social exclusion and poverty risks.
The project target group is children and youth including young people with special needs and from rural areas.
Within the project entrepreneurship, participatory and communication skills of the target group will be increased providing the possibility to participate in practical activities related to these issues both as voluntary co-organizers co-creating opportunities for others and as a participant (reading and creating a blog, following tweets on social networks).
Methodological materials will be elaborated, non-formal education seminars will be held, a lifestyle blog will be created. The project’s internet activities will reach many more young people than the ones directly involved in the project activities.
The project is expected to increase the level on knowledge, experience, skills, motivation and encouragement of the target group. The project will serve as cooperation and matchmaking platform for the participants and partner organizations in their regions.

Project results: Project TU.ESI.LV(YOU.ARE.LV) aimed to improve participation, entrepreneurship, cooperation and communication skills of children and young people from regions of Latvia.
The target group of the project were children and young people with low participation skills and poverty risks from geographically remote and economically less developed regions of Latvia. Project activities took place in Kuzeme, Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale and Riga regions, and involved 1115 children and young people with social inclusion and poverty risks.
The following results have been achieved:
• Project kick-off seminar;
• Entrepreneurship ideas forums;
• Meetings with experts in fields of entrepreneurship, participation, cooperation and communication;
• Discussion „Coffee with Politicians” and „Ice-cream with Politicians”;
• Training and networking events for cooperation and communication;
• Publishing of methodological material;
• Non-formal education seminars;
• Closing conference.
Online blog TUESI.LV containing inspirational stories about young people living in the regions of Latvia was created and launched during this Project. Project topics and methodologies were described in methodological publication “TU.ESI.LV” developed as a hand book for people working with children and young people. Through these activities children and young people gain participation, entrepreneurship and cooperation skills and experience in order to get involved in life of their municipalities and communities. The results of the project include increased knowledge, skills, experience, motivation and encouragement level for children and young people as well as enhanced motivation and capacity for other organizations and institutions working with target audience.

Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”

Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MAC/137
Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 04.02.2014.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Association „NEXT”
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Ogres Jauniešu klubs "Projektu darbnīca",Rēzeknes pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde „Austrumlatvijas radošo pakalpojumu centrs”,Biedrība "Jauniešu klubs "Dēms"
Project implementation region(s): Whole Latvia
Project duration, months: 18
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 111721.31 EUR / 78 518.18 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 94407.30 EUR / 66 349.83 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 4968.81 EUR / 3 492.10 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 12345.20 EUR / 8 676.26 LVL;
Legal address: Katoļu iela 5, Aizpute, Aizputes novads, LV-3456
Phone No.: 26132223
Fax: -

Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office: