Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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The project’s aim is to promote welfare of families with children who have suffered from violence, promoting non-violent child-raising skills of these families sustainability of a respective social rehabilitation service in institutions and at homes.
The project activities will include training of specialists of the crisis centres on non-violent child-raising methods, practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge in individual consultations and specialized family camps, provision of international experience to the senior staff of the centres, provision of supervisions to the crisis centers staff, as well as elaboration and approbation of innovative methodology for the municipalities’ social workers.
All activities designed in order to provide a complex and sustainable solution of the identified problems to the target group (children who have suffered from violence, their families, NGO representing their interests and rights, incl. volunteers).
Project results: Many children suffer from circumstances that don’t depend on them, but are caused by people around them – parents, school mates, friends and others. One of the major problems that cause unfavourable conditions for harmonized development of a child is abuse, violence. Seven specialized centres in Latvia (Valmiera, Rugaji, Talsi, Ventspils, Dobele, Zante and Allazi) provide social rehabilitation for abused children within state financing in Latvia, Latvia Children’s Fund is responsible for the administration of this financing. Statistics shows that most of all abuse cases against children – 85 % happen in families. And abuses cases (emotional, sexual, physical and abandoned children) became more and more shocking. High prevalence of domestic violence causes the necessity to draw special attention especially to the families.
Therefore the responsibility of specialized rehabilitation centres and social offices in Latvia is very big. That requires strong professional capacity, adequate skills and work methods. In the meantime adults themselves more often wish to be heard, supported and ask for assistance to solve different issues regarding raising of their children.
Realizing situation on spread of domestic violence against children in Latvia following aim of the project “Raising Chil Non-violently!” was set: to promote welfare in families of abused children in Latvia, by developing parent skills on non-violent raising of children and sustainability of provided social rehabilitation service in institutions and living places.
The realization of the project was successful not only by reaching the set aim, but also by promotion of development of social society participation. In the result of the project target groups received not only theoretical but also practical knowledge and skills how to raise the welfare in families where children suffered from abuse not only in the short-term, but also in the long-term. Project activities included several complex measures (incl. innovative) for target groups (abused children, their families, NGO’s who provide and administrate social abused children’s rehabilitation, professionals and volunteers of these NGO’s). Project results were successfully reached and they are important for improvement of life and work quality of the target groups:
- 51 specialist received training and supervisions on methods of non-violent child care.
- After the training these specialists continue to use these knowledge at their everyday work (per year approximately 1400 abused children and their families receive help in the specialized centres). Besides during the project 46 families during 7 specialized summer camps under supervision of these specialists learned one of the most basic skills – raising of their children (how to prepare for common events (walk to the beach etc.), how to organize their common time, free time, how to play different games together and to learn. During these camps parents had psychologist consultations to help them to solve more difficult issues that relate to bring up of their children.
- Specialists of eight NGO participated in 4 methodological seminars to develop a common understanding of filling the forms relating rehabilitation of abused children.
- Managers of these NGO have participated in 12 specifically professional and general supervisions. Supervisions were a chance for participants to see everyday’s issues from different aspects and more successfully solve professional situations.
- Developed methodology “Psychosocial work with family to prevent abuse against children” that is distributed to all social offices in the local municipalities in Latvia. The methodology was developed as a practical tool for local social office providing a guide how to work with abused children at their living places who have received professional social rehabilitation in specialized crises or support centres and have returned to their families.
Successful realization of the project and reaching all results was ensured also by successful cooperation with both project partners. For managers of NGO a project partner from Iceland NGO Blatt afram organized an exchange of experience visit about sexual abuse prevention issues. Latvian partner – Social office of Sigulda municipality developed a methodology for social offices in Latvia.
The project activities will include training of specialists of the crisis centres on non-violent child-raising methods, practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge in individual consultations and specialized family camps, provision of international experience to the senior staff of the centres, provision of supervisions to the crisis centers staff, as well as elaboration and approbation of innovative methodology for the municipalities’ social workers.
All activities designed in order to provide a complex and sustainable solution of the identified problems to the target group (children who have suffered from violence, their families, NGO representing their interests and rights, incl. volunteers).
Project results: Many children suffer from circumstances that don’t depend on them, but are caused by people around them – parents, school mates, friends and others. One of the major problems that cause unfavourable conditions for harmonized development of a child is abuse, violence. Seven specialized centres in Latvia (Valmiera, Rugaji, Talsi, Ventspils, Dobele, Zante and Allazi) provide social rehabilitation for abused children within state financing in Latvia, Latvia Children’s Fund is responsible for the administration of this financing. Statistics shows that most of all abuse cases against children – 85 % happen in families. And abuses cases (emotional, sexual, physical and abandoned children) became more and more shocking. High prevalence of domestic violence causes the necessity to draw special attention especially to the families.
Therefore the responsibility of specialized rehabilitation centres and social offices in Latvia is very big. That requires strong professional capacity, adequate skills and work methods. In the meantime adults themselves more often wish to be heard, supported and ask for assistance to solve different issues regarding raising of their children.
Realizing situation on spread of domestic violence against children in Latvia following aim of the project “Raising Chil Non-violently!” was set: to promote welfare in families of abused children in Latvia, by developing parent skills on non-violent raising of children and sustainability of provided social rehabilitation service in institutions and living places.
The realization of the project was successful not only by reaching the set aim, but also by promotion of development of social society participation. In the result of the project target groups received not only theoretical but also practical knowledge and skills how to raise the welfare in families where children suffered from abuse not only in the short-term, but also in the long-term. Project activities included several complex measures (incl. innovative) for target groups (abused children, their families, NGO’s who provide and administrate social abused children’s rehabilitation, professionals and volunteers of these NGO’s). Project results were successfully reached and they are important for improvement of life and work quality of the target groups:
- 51 specialist received training and supervisions on methods of non-violent child care.
- After the training these specialists continue to use these knowledge at their everyday work (per year approximately 1400 abused children and their families receive help in the specialized centres). Besides during the project 46 families during 7 specialized summer camps under supervision of these specialists learned one of the most basic skills – raising of their children (how to prepare for common events (walk to the beach etc.), how to organize their common time, free time, how to play different games together and to learn. During these camps parents had psychologist consultations to help them to solve more difficult issues that relate to bring up of their children.
- Specialists of eight NGO participated in 4 methodological seminars to develop a common understanding of filling the forms relating rehabilitation of abused children.
- Managers of these NGO have participated in 12 specifically professional and general supervisions. Supervisions were a chance for participants to see everyday’s issues from different aspects and more successfully solve professional situations.
- Developed methodology “Psychosocial work with family to prevent abuse against children” that is distributed to all social offices in the local municipalities in Latvia. The methodology was developed as a practical tool for local social office providing a guide how to work with abused children at their living places who have received professional social rehabilitation in specialized crises or support centres and have returned to their families.
Successful realization of the project and reaching all results was ensured also by successful cooperation with both project partners. For managers of NGO a project partner from Iceland NGO Blatt afram organized an exchange of experience visit about sexual abuse prevention issues. Latvian partner – Social office of Sigulda municipality developed a methodology for social offices in Latvia.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MAC/057Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 21.01.2014.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Foundation "Latvia Children's Fund"
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Siguldas novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests,Taisni uz priekšu - seksuālās vardarbības novēršana pret bērniem
Project implementation region(s): Whole Latvia
Project duration, months: 24
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 110269.41 EUR / 77 497.78 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 94280.35 EUR / 66 260.61 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 4962.12 EUR / 3 487.40 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 11026.94 EUR / 7 749.78 LVL;
Legal address: Brīvības gatve 310 – 75 , Rīga, LV-1006
Phone No.: 67185722, 29238947
Fax: -
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office: