Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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The Project is aimed at provision of psychosocial rehabilitation to people with disability. The project’s aim is to ensure rehabilitation as an integral part of oncologic and social care to people who have survived cancer.
The project will work to elaborate the necessary legislative adjustments, attract state and municipal financing in order to ensure rehabilitation services, to train employees of the rehabilitation centre, to ensure accessibility and succession of the rehabilitation.
Legitimacy of the psychosocial rehabilitation will be promoted and financing attracted. In cooperation with the Montebello center selection and training of staff will be carried out and continuity of the service will be ensured.
The project target group is people with disability and their families.
The Norwegian project partner - 'Montebellosenteret' will provide expertise on the necessary legislative adjustments and share its experience. It will participate the inter-disciplinary conference and elaboration of the training programme.
Project results: The goal of the project „Providing sustainable environment for psycho-social rehabilitation for cancer patients implementation in Latvia” was to make all arrangements that people in Latvia also can receive rehabilitation after cancer as an integral part of oncological care and social components, facilitating their return to full social and economic life, reducing social exclusion. The main target groups of this project were cancer patients - people with disabilities (patients) and their relatives, decision makers, professionals, mass media, the public in general. Project activities promoted psychosocial rehabilitation legitimacy and financial involvement, ensuring personnel selection and training in collaboration with project partner "Montebello" centre in Norway, agreed service continuity (6 psycho social rehabilitation camps organized).
Main results achieved during this Project:
- Amendments of Social help and social services law have been developed to ensure that new term “psychosocial” rehabilitation is introduced, and new group of rehabilitation service receivers are named – cancer patients. Meanwhile further discussions about government funding for rehabilitation are open;
- Strengthened cooperation with local governments;
- Strengthened cooperation with specialists and experts of industry, including GPs, social workers, NGOs etc.;
- Strengthened cooperation with decision makers at both local and national level by organizing cross-industry health conference;
- Promoted implementation of psychosocial rehabilitation by training 20 persons (specialists and volunteers);
- Developed psychosocial rehabilitation programme content quality methodology and psychosocial rehabilitation programme quality control methodology;
- Developed electronic application form for psychosocial services;
- Organized six psychosocial rehabilitation camps ensuring psychosocial rehabilitation service availability and continuity;
- Promoted information level and understanding of both patients and decision makers as well as society in overall about psychosocial rehabilitation for cancer patients by implementing variety of different publicity activities.
All activities carried out in the framework of this project has improves psychosocial rehabilitation service availability and continuity of the service in long term.
The project will work to elaborate the necessary legislative adjustments, attract state and municipal financing in order to ensure rehabilitation services, to train employees of the rehabilitation centre, to ensure accessibility and succession of the rehabilitation.
Legitimacy of the psychosocial rehabilitation will be promoted and financing attracted. In cooperation with the Montebello center selection and training of staff will be carried out and continuity of the service will be ensured.
The project target group is people with disability and their families.
The Norwegian project partner - 'Montebellosenteret' will provide expertise on the necessary legislative adjustments and share its experience. It will participate the inter-disciplinary conference and elaboration of the training programme.
Project results: The goal of the project „Providing sustainable environment for psycho-social rehabilitation for cancer patients implementation in Latvia” was to make all arrangements that people in Latvia also can receive rehabilitation after cancer as an integral part of oncological care and social components, facilitating their return to full social and economic life, reducing social exclusion. The main target groups of this project were cancer patients - people with disabilities (patients) and their relatives, decision makers, professionals, mass media, the public in general. Project activities promoted psychosocial rehabilitation legitimacy and financial involvement, ensuring personnel selection and training in collaboration with project partner "Montebello" centre in Norway, agreed service continuity (6 psycho social rehabilitation camps organized).
Main results achieved during this Project:
- Amendments of Social help and social services law have been developed to ensure that new term “psychosocial” rehabilitation is introduced, and new group of rehabilitation service receivers are named – cancer patients. Meanwhile further discussions about government funding for rehabilitation are open;
- Strengthened cooperation with local governments;
- Strengthened cooperation with specialists and experts of industry, including GPs, social workers, NGOs etc.;
- Strengthened cooperation with decision makers at both local and national level by organizing cross-industry health conference;
- Promoted implementation of psychosocial rehabilitation by training 20 persons (specialists and volunteers);
- Developed psychosocial rehabilitation programme content quality methodology and psychosocial rehabilitation programme quality control methodology;
- Developed electronic application form for psychosocial services;
- Organized six psychosocial rehabilitation camps ensuring psychosocial rehabilitation service availability and continuity;
- Promoted information level and understanding of both patients and decision makers as well as society in overall about psychosocial rehabilitation for cancer patients by implementing variety of different publicity activities.
All activities carried out in the framework of this project has improves psychosocial rehabilitation service availability and continuity of the service in long term.
Supported by the EEA Grants. Case number: LV03. Programme name: „NGO fund”
Project number: 2012.EEZ/PP/1/MAC/013Project approval date: 11.09.2013.
Project contract date: 28.11.2013.
Status of the project: Pabeigts
Name of Project Promoter: Cancer Patients Association "Dzivibas koks"
Type of Project Promoter: Association/Foundation
Name of project partner: Montebello centrs
Place(s) of implementation: Rīga
Project implementation region(s): Kurzemes region,Latgales region,Vidzemes region,Rīga,Whole Latvia,Zemgales region
Project duration, months: 24
Total eligible costs (Programme co-financing and Project Promoter’s contribution): 98295.59 EUR / 69 082.53 LVL;
Programme co-financing (EEA Grants – 95%): 84042.73 EUR / 59 065.57 LVL;
Programme co-financing (State budget – 5%): 4423.30 EUR / 3 108.71 LVL;
Project Promoter’s contribution: 9829.56 EUR / 6 908.25 LVL;
Legal address: Liepu aleja 11, Babīte, Babītes novads, LV-2101
Phone No.: 26328286
Fax: -
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Managing Authority in Latvia:
Link to a website of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office: