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1st call for proposals "NGO Project Measure" (2009-2014)

Source of Funding: EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
Search projects
Date of issue: 2012-27-11

Objective of the NGO Project Measure is to promote increase of welfare, strengthen democratic values and respect for human rights in Latvia, providing financial support to projects implemented by NGOs in two areas of support: social sector activities and development of cohesive society. The total amount available through the call is 3 299 782.60 EUR. The deadline for submission of micro project applications is 25 February 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery). The deadline for submission of the 1st part of medium and macro project applications is 11 February 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery).

Project applications can be submitted in one of the following ways:

  • in one paper copy with an enclosed electronic copy submitted by hand-delivery or by regular mail addressed to: Society Integration Foundation, Brīvības iela 40-39, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050;
  • in one electronic copy signed with an secure electronic signature and certified with a time-stamp submitted by e-mail addressed to: (project applications under the NGO Activity Support Measure), (micro projects under the NGO Project Measure), (medium and macro projects under the NGO Project Measure);
  • submitted online in the Electronic Project Management System of the Society Integration Foundation, access through website: (available from 2 January 2013).

Guidelines for Applicants and project application forms are available on the website of Society Integration Foundation: For additional information please send an e-mail to: .



Programme is financed by the EEA Grants and Latvia.

More about EEA Grants programme “NGO fund
EEA Grants website in Latvia:
EEA Grants official website:

Informative seminars in regions: December 11-14, 2012. | pdfSeminar Agenda in Latvian language |

Projects: 65 (Cancelled: 1)


No.Project PromoterProject's title
1.Nodibinājums "Invalīdu un viņu draugu apvienība „Apeirons”"United in the society
2.Biedrība "Izglītības un inovāciju attīstības centrs"Your opportunity “ABC”
3.Biedrība "Oleru muiža"Traditional values and new skills - for sustainable development of society
4.Biedrība "Saule" Together in society
5.Nodibinājums "C Modulis"Human being: promoter of changes!
6.Biedrība „Pasaku māja „Undīne” – Zaļais ordenis”"The School of The Skills of Creative Person” and The Creation of Interregional Network to Support People Subjected to The Risk of Social Exclusion
7.Nodibinājums "Fonds „Iespēju tilts”"Social indusion support program for children and adults with disabilites
8.Biedrība "Ģimenes atbalsta centrs "Atvērtība""Establishment of family support system to reduce violence problem in Kraslava district
9.Biedrība „Krīzes centrs ģimenēm ar bērniem „Paspārne””Support for foster families and guardians of Ventspils and Talsi towns and regions
10.Biedrība "Latvijas Sarkanais krusts"We live together in our country
11.Biedrība "Lietišķo sieviešu apvienība"READY - Reintegration and Education Actions for Demanding Youth
12.Biedrība „Latvijas Cilvēktiesību centrs”NGO Capacity Building to Combat Online Hate
13.Biedrība „Izglītības iniciatīvu centrs”Integration incubator to support Roma children and youth
14.Nodibinājums „Baltic Institute of Social Sciences”The analysis of integration of Latvian non-citizens: RESEARCH, PROGNOSIS, SOLUTIONS AND DIALOGUE
15.Biedrība "1991.gada barikāžu dalībnieku biedrība"Promotion of common understanding of history of 20 century
16.Biedrība "Sabiedriskās politikas centrs PROVIDUS"Reducing youth at risk numbers: modeling early childhood intervention approaches
17.Biedrība „Izglītības iniciatīvu centrs”Mechanisms of social integration for children and youths with special needs
18.Biedrība "NEXT"YOU.ARE.LV
19.Biedrība „Latvijas SOS Bērnu ciematu asociācija”The development of supporting measures to include families with children who are at risk of social exclusion
20.Nodibinājums "Centrs Valdardze"Inclusion of Animal therapy into the social rehabilitation of abused children
21.Nodibinājums „Baltijas Reģionālais fonds”Tomorrow together
22.Biedrība "Ludzas Invalīdu biedrība"WORK is LIFE
23.Biedrība "Ūdenszīmes"Natural resources for improvement of social life quality „Jumis”
24.Biedrība "Māmiņu klubs "Pogas""Innovative service - a Family Assistant
25.Biedrība "Baltijas HIV asociācija"Promoting social inclusion of men who have sex with men (MSM) by improving access and quality of health care services
26.Biedrība "Latvijas Kustība par neatkarīgu dzīvi"Development of new and innovative social service to promote the independence of children and youth with disabilities
27.Biedrība "Dižvanagi"Skills improvement for families with disabled children
28.Nodibinājums "Nova vita"Integrated approuch to resocialize addicted persons
29.Biedrība „Kopienas Attīstības Centrs (KAC)” Active and creative way of life of mentally disabled children, young people and seniors
30.Biedrība "Bāreņu biedrība „Saules bērni”"Equality – different genders, equal rights, equal opportunities
31.Biedrība "Latvijas Nedzirdīgo savienība"Keeping up with the era!
32.Biedrība „Latvijas Sarkanais Krusts”Voluntary social work as base for the better quality of life
33.Biedrība "Klubs "Verte""I Know, I Can, I Do
34.Biedrība „Liepājas Neredzīgo biedrība”Be active and get involved!
35.Biedrība "Onkoloģisko pacientu atbalsta biedrība "Dzīvības koks""Providing sustainable environment for psycho-social rehabilitation for cancer patients implementation in Latvia
36.Biedrība "Bērnu paliatīvās aprūpes biedrība"Implementation of innovation solutions in Children's Palliative Care
37.Biedrība "Rīgas Latviešu biedrība"Let's Open a World for Opportunities and Skills
38.Nodibinājums "Latvijas Bērnu fonds"Raising a child non-violently!
39.Biedrība "Rehabilitācijas centrs "Mēs esam līdzās""Center for early childhood development of children with disabilities
40.Nodibinājums "Sociālo pakalpojumu aģentūra"Development of Support System for Foster families, Adoptive parents, Guardians and Host families in Latvia


Date of printing: 13.02.25