Program: NGO Project Measure (2009-2014)
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Objective of the NGO Project Measure is to promote increase of welfare, strengthen democratic values and respect for human rights in Latvia, providing financial support to projects implemented by NGOs in two areas of support: social sector activities and development of cohesive society. The total amount available through the call is 3 299 782.60 EUR. The deadline for submission of micro project applications is 25 February 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery). The deadline for submission of the 1st part of medium and macro project applications is 11 February 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery).
Project applications can be submitted in one of the following ways:
- in one paper copy with an enclosed electronic copy submitted by hand-delivery or by regular mail addressed to: Society Integration Foundation, Brīvības iela 40-39, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050;
- in one electronic copy signed with an secure electronic signature and certified with a time-stamp submitted by e-mail addressed to: (project applications under the NGO Activity Support Measure), (micro projects under the NGO Project Measure), (medium and macro projects under the NGO Project Measure);
- submitted online in the Electronic Project Management System of the Society Integration Foundation, access through website: (available from 2 January 2013).
Guidelines for Applicants and project application forms are available on the website of Society Integration Foundation: For additional information please send an e-mail to: .
Programme is financed by the EEA Grants and Latvia.
More about EEA Grants programme “NGO fund”
EEA Grants website in Latvia:
EEA Grants official website:
Application Form (micro project application)
Application Form (medium and macro project application)
Selection Criteria (micro projects)
Selection Criteria (medium and macro projects)
Selection Criteria (projects supporting development of bilateral cooperation)
Partnership Agreement
Annex I: Description and budget of the activities implemented by the Project Partner
Annex II: List of eligible expenditure
Annex III: Auditor's Report
Programme "NGO fund" Project Contract
Timeline for project reports and payments (Annex 2)
Guidelines for identification and prevention of conflict of interest (Annex 3)
Guidelines for observance of the cost efficiency principle (Annex 4)
Informative seminars in regions: December 11-14, 2012. | Seminar Agenda in Latvian language |
No. | Project Promoter | Project's title |
1. | Society „Latvian Autism Center” | The Reducing of Social Exclusion and Invalidisation of Children with Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders |